Aspera Drive Manual For Mac

Make sure your latest version of Aspera Connect is up to date by going to the Aspera website. Browser does not recognize Aspera. If you are experiencing extensive problems with Aspera, we suggest reaching out to their support team directly.Otherwise, please see below. An install-on-demand app that powers high-speed FASP transfers between standard browsers and Aspera web-enabled transfer servers and web applications. ASPERA DRIVE. High-speed transfer, package sending and receiving, and background synchronization of files and data sets of any size integrated with Windows Explorer and Mac Finder. Aspera Mobile may change this phone without prior written notice and reserves the final right to interpret the performance of this mobile phone. Page 8 Qualified service Only qualified Aspera personnel or approved agent may install or repair phone equipment. Installing or repairing the Aspera phone yourself or by unauthorised technician may. CPTAC-DCC-Aspera Connect Browser Plugin Installation manual/Macintosh Page 2 of 9 Important note: For the Aspera Connect browser plugin auto-installer to work properly, Java must be installed on your system. If you do not have Java installed, or your system doesn't support it, then you can manually download and set up Connect per.

  1. Toshiba Canvio,Slim,Connect, basics, 100gb 200gb 300gb 400gb 500gb 1tb, 2tb, 3tb, 4tb, 5tb, 6tb 7tb 8tb 9b 10tb 20tb, 40gb 50gb 60gb 70gb 80gb 90gb.
  2. On your new Mac: Open Migration Assistant, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder. Click Continue. When asked how you want to transfer your information, select the option to transfer from a Mac, Time Machine backup, or startup disk.
IBM Japan Sales Manual
Revised: April 30, 2019.

Table of contents
Product Life Cycle DatesDescription
Program numberOperating environment
AbstractPlanning information
Product positioningPublications
HighlightsSecurity, auditability, and control

Aspera Download Client

Product Life Cycle Dates

Program NumberVRMAnnouncedAvailableMarketing WithdrawnService Discontinued
5725-S5403.05.072014/09/272014/09/30 - -
5725-S5403.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-S5503.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-S5603.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-S5703.08.002018/03/202018/03/23 - -
5725-S5703.05.072016/09/272016/09/30 - -
5725-S5703.05.062016/06/142016/06/17 - -
5725-S5703.05.042015/09/152015/09/15 - -
5725-S5703.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-S5803.08.002018/03/202018/03/23 - -
5725-S5803.05.072016/09/072016/09/30 - -
5725-S5803.05.062016/06/142016/06/17 - -
5725-S5803.05.042015/02/032015/02/13 - -
5725-S5803.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-S5903.05.042016/09/272016/09/30 - -
5725-S5903.00.032016/06/142016/06/17 - -
5725-S5902.03.052015/10/272015/10/30 - -
5725-S5903.00.012015/09/152015/09/30 - -
5725-S5902.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-S6003.08.002018/03/202018/03/23 - -
5725-S6003.05.062016/06/142016/06/17 - -
5725-S6003.05.012014/09/022014/09/12 - -
5725-U2103.05.042015/02/032015/02/13 - -
5737-I6801.09.002018/09/112018/09/14 - -
5737-I6704.02.002018/09/112018/09/14 - -
5737-I6903.08.002018/09/112018/09/14 - -

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Program number


    IBM Aspera delivers a new generation of high-speed file transfersolutions that are built to help move large amounts of data at maximumspeed, regardless of distance or network conditions. Transfers arestable, robust, and predictable, even for the largest files, mostchallenging networks and greatest distances. Supporting deploymentson premises or on public, private, and hybrid cloud platforms, andcovering a wide range of server, desktop, and mobile operatingsystems, Aspera solutions deliver end-to-end security, reliability,and exceptional bandwidth control.

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    Product positioning

    In the global economy, success in the marketplace depends on thereliable and secure exchange of files between people, supporting thecomplex interactions you have with your customers, suppliers, partnersand colleagues. With the explosion of big data and the continuedunprecedented growth of the digital universe, innovative high-speedfile transfer solutions are needed to meet the mobile, social, andcloud demands of the enterprise. IBM Aspera solutions extend the IBMManaged File Transfer portfolio with advanced capabilities for thedependable and safe exchange of large files, delivering a generationof file transfer software offerings that are built to handle theworld's largest data requirements at maximum speed, regardless ofdistance.

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    IBM Aspera on-premises portfolio, with its patented Fast, Adaptive,and Secure Protocol (FASP) transport technology, helps move theworld's data at maximum speed by providing:

    • High-speed movement of large files or large collections of filesover wide area networks (WANs).
    • Breakthrough cost savings and efficiency gains to organizationsthat need to move large volumes of data over public and private IPnetworks.
    • Easy-to-deploy, fully cross-platform (such as Microsoft Windows,Linux, web browsers, mobile devices, and so forth) file transfersolutions that are file type and network agnostic.
    • Unprecedented levels of transfer performance to file-basedworkflows, including maximum speed, security, and bandwidthefficiency.

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    IBM Aspera solutions move the world's data at maximum speed,regardless of file size, transfer distance, or network conditions.With the unstoppable explosion of big data in a world where IT andnetworking infrastructures are more diverse and flexible than ever,Aspera focuses on supplying innovative data transfer solutions thathelp you operate and collaborate more effectively on a global scale.Supporting deployments on premises or on public, private, and hybridcloud platforms, and covering a wide range of server, desktop, andmobile operating systems, Aspera solutions delivers end-to-endsecurity, reliability, and exceptional bandwidth control.

    IBM Aspera delivers a generation of high-speed file transfersolutions that are built to help move large amounts of data at maximumspeed, regardless of distance or network conditions. Transfers arestable, robust, and predictable, even for the largest files, mostchallenging networks, and greatest distances, including files that areconcurrent and have highly loaded transfer patterns.

    Ordering options and flexibility

    IBM Aspera delivers bandwidth tier for transfer server withthe introduction of the IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server 2.5Gbps ordering option.

    IBM Aspera Sync Application has ordering option forunlimited files per Establishment in both clustered and non-clusteredconfigurations that benefits high-end use cases.

    In addition, both IBM Aspera Shares Application and IBM Asperafaspex Application, can now be purchased separately.

    IBM Aspera software solutions can bring improved cost savings andefficiency gains to organizations that need to move large volumes ofdata over public and private IP networks. Designed to be easy todeploy, fully cross-platform, and compatible with all file types andnetwork types, Aspera solutions deliver optimized levels of transferperformance to file-based workflows.

    The entire suite of IBM Aspera on-premises software solutions isavailable in IBM Passport Advantage, and complement and extend thepreviously announced IBM Aspera solutions: IBM Aspera High-Speed FileTransfer, IBM Aspera High-Speed Sync, IBM Aspera File Sharing Suite,and IBM Aspera for Microsoft SharePoint.

    At the heart of all the Aspera solutions is the patented Fast,Adaptive, and Secure Protocol (FASP) transport technology, abreakthrough transfer protocol that leverages existing wide areanetwork (WAN) infrastructure and commodity hardware to achieve speedsthat are up to hundreds of times faster than FTP and HTTP with end-to-end security and exceptional reliability and bandwidth control.

    IBM Aspera Drive provides you with the capability toquickly and securely share and exchange large files and data setsdirectly from the desktop through a simple drag-and-drop interfacethat is designed to seamlessly integrate within your Windows Exploreror Mac Finder. Aspera Drive supports high-speed transfer, packagesending and receiving, and background synchronization of files anddata sets of any size.

    Aspera Drive V3.1 brings features and capabilities including:

    Aspera drive manual for mac computer
    • Sending packages with metadata for IBM Aspera Files
    • Check-in and check-out windows and Mac for Aspera Files
    • Support for saving on windows using file save dialog
    • Extended support in fuse integration (finder extension) for check-in and check-out
    • Support for IBM Aspera Shares V2.0

    Aspera Drive V3.0 brings remote collaboration capabilitiesincluding:

    • Check-in / check-out option to edit and easily replace the masterversion
    • Remote Share-to-Share transfer capabilities to enable local orglobal high-speed transfers
    • OS X Finder Mount capabilities to open and save remote files inthe local application

    Aspera Drive V2.1 includes the following features and performanceenhancements:

    • Enhanced proxy support for simplified enterprise deployments
    • Improved reliability in syncing with Aspera Files
    • Support for RSA keys

    Aspera Console is a web-based management applicationthat provides complete visibility over a customer's Aspera high-speedtransfer environment; enables near real-time centralized control overtransfers, nodes, and users; and maintains comprehensive logging forcustomized reports and auditing.

    Aspera Console V3.2 introduces the capability to manage transferson Aspera transfer clusters, including Aspera Files nodes, customer-run Autoscale transfer clusters, and the Aspera Transfer Service.Through the expanded security model, users can authorize Console toreport on cluster transfers by configuring cluster access keys. SmartTransfers now support upload/download from clusters by new node accesskey authentication, and Console reports now include node access keysfor reporting and filtering.

    Aspera Connect Update

    IBM Aspera Orchestrator Enterprise Application V3.1 isa file-based workflow automation and orchestration platform forautomating the collection, processing, and distribution of largevolumes of digital content. It helps enable organizations to buildefficient, predictable file processing pipelines that interconnectbusiness units and external partners. Orchestrator V3.1 strengthensthe IBM Aspera file management solutions portfolio with an enhancedfeature set that includes improvements to APIs, workflows, andplug-ins. The Aspera Node API plug-in, which initiates a transfer,now offers a query parameter for rate policy; available values arefair (default), high, low, and fixed.

    Aspera Orchestrator is a web-based application and SDKplatform that uses its powerful run-time engine to automate thecollection, processing, and distribution of large volumes of digitalassets. It enables organizations to build efficient, predictable fileprocessing pipelines that interconnect business units and externalpartners.

    Aspera Server

    Aspera Orchestrator V3.0 brings fresh modern interface designed tospeed development and ease administration of the more scalable processengine. New features support team collaboration during workflowdesign, and enhancements to the platform application programinterfaces (APIs) help customers programmatically monitor and controlworkflows at a granular level. A rich set of over 150 third-partyplug-ins support all Aspera transfer products, as well as additionalthird-party media solutions.

    Aspera Orchestrator V2.7 includes the following new features andfunctions:

    • Performance enhancements to the engine
    • Improved mechanism for efficient deletion of work orders
    • Remote node editing permission that is restricted toadministrators
    • Capability to configure journals at the step level in the workflow
    • Idle synchronous workers that can poll asynchronous tasks
    • New API calls and plug-ins, and new functionality for existingplug-ins

    Aspera Orchestrator V2.6 includes performance enhancements to reducework order initialization; improved management of NAS; a new Help tab;an improved designer with search functionality to find plugins fasterand keyboard control for better step positioning; new dashboards, APIcalls, and plugins.

    IBM Aspera Application for Microsoft SharePoint enablesorganizations to quickly, predictably, and securely store and accesshigh volumes of large files in Microsoft SharePoint, overcomingSharePoint's file size and repository size limitations andtransferring files in and out of SharePoint at much higher speeds.IBM Aspera Application for Microsoft SharePoint V2.1 simplifies thelicensing of the Aspera for Microsoft SharePoint offering. With V2.1,clients are only required to purchase the base offering by User ValueUnits, which is based on the number of users. The base offeringincludes entitlement to the IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server at300 Mbps, as well as entitlement to the IBM Aspera Drive Client foreach user entitled to the base offering. This simplification grantsSharePoint administrators increased flexibility in how they architecttheir deployments, gaining additional scale, reliability, andperformance, without additional expense. This also allows clients andbusiness partners an easier process by which to procure and ensurecompliance against their entitlements. Clients may also purchase theIBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server separately for bandwidthrequirements above 300 Mbps.

    IBM Aspera enhances its portfolio with new releases of transferservers and clients that are purpose-built to help move large amountsof data by using innovative data transfer tools at optimal speed,regardless of distance or network conditions. Transfers are stable,robust, and predictable, even for the largest files, most challengingnetworks, and greatest distances. Supporting deployments on premisesor on public, private, and hybrid cloud platforms, and covering a widerange of server, desktop, and mobile operating systems, Asperasolutions are designed to deliver end-to-end security-rich features,reliability, and exceptional bandwidth control. Aspera solutions areindustry-standard applications for moving large files, directories,and data sets over wide area network (WANs) with optimizedperformance, scaling significantly with on-demand cloud storage andcomputing capacity.

    The following enhanced offerings are now available:

    • IBM Aspera Enterprise Server V3.8 (sold as part of AsperaHigh-Speed Transfer Server V3.8)
    • IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access V3.8 (sold as part of AsperaHigh-Speed Transfer Server V3.8)
    • IBM Aspera Point-to-Point Client V3.8 (sold as part of AsperaHigh-Speed Transfer Endpoint V3.8)
    • IBM Aspera Desktop Client V3.8
    • IBM Aspera Sync Application for up to 100 Million Files V3.8
    • IBM Aspera Sync Application for up to 10 Million Files V3.8
    • IBM Aspera Sync Application for up to 1 Million Files V3.8

    1IBM Aspera is streamlining its on-premises core products with newnames, packaging, and licensing to simplify selection, purchase, anddeployment. During this transition, product releases include previousnames of products along with new product names as noted above.

    This release of IBM Aspera Enterprise Server, Connect for WebAccess (Connect Server), Point-to-Point Client, and Desktop Clientprovides the following new features and fixes.

    • Aspera Watch folder and Aspera Watch Service support for cloudstorage and URI docroots
    • Trapd availability for windows ES 64 bit
    • Transfer support to azure data lake storage
    • Support for ascp and ascp4 transfers to object storage

    IBM Aspera Sync Application V3.8 includes performance enhancements.Aspera Sync Application uses efficient file system monitoring andchanges detection, helping to minimize redundant data transfer andreduce database storage requirements.

    Aspera for Microsoft SharePoint V2.0 includes performanceimprovements and the following capabilities:

    • Office 365 service level offering
    • Support for Microsoft SharePoint metadata
    • Capability to use Aspera web part to transfer assets

    Aspera Virtual Catcher includes a set of preconfiguredworkflows with a processing engine, configuration screens, andmonitoring views. It works in conjunction with Aspera faspex andAspera Cargo Client or with Aspera Enterprise Server and AsperaPoint-to-Point clients to automatically ingest ADI-compliant packagesinto their asset management systems or downstream systems.

    Aspera Virtual Catcher V3.0:

    • Enables asset distribution to multiple content management system(CMS) stores
    • Expands health monitoring to support high-scale environments
    • Provides additional support for troubleshooting failed transfers
    • Supports multiple ingests through the CORBA protocol
    • Enables file transport to the CMS via SSH File Transfer Protocol(SFTP) and offers capability to process metadata updates (MDUs)

    Aspera Virtual Catcher V2.3.5offers an alternative to organizations that pay for verycostly satellite delivery systems to distribute and receive digitalmedia at hundreds or thousands of sites all over the world. AsperaVirtual Catcher can help line of business manager significantly reducethe high cost of sending files through satellite transmissions.

    IBM Aspera Virtual Catcher allows for interactive and automateddistribution of media content over low cost, high speed Internet,originating from cloud and on premises Aspera servers. Content issent to receivers globally replacing expensive legacy satellitedistribution systems.

    IBM Aspera Enterprise Server

    IBM Aspera Enterprise Server is a versatile server application thataccommodates large numbers of concurrent users so they can uploadfiles of virtually any size using Aspera's desktop or mobile clients,or custom applications that use Aspera's embedded client.Administrators can view and control transfer queue in real time,adjust aggregate or per-transfer bandwidth on the fly, and configureper-user access and transfer settings.

    IBM Aspera Enterprise Server ca be purchased at higher bandwidthlevels, offering increased speed and performance.

    Aspera upload

    IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access

    IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access extends Aspera Enterprise Serverfunctionality with web enablement technology, giving almost any webapplication the ability to facilitate high-speed fast and secureprotocol (FASP) transfers. Users initiate transfers through a web-based directory, mobile devices, or custom web applications that usethe Aspera Connect API. A simple, self-installing browser plug-inperforms the transfers from clients to the server, independent of thebrowser and without choking off other IP traffic.

    IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access ca be purchased at higherbandwidth levels, offering increased speed and performance.

    IBM Aspera On Demand

    IBM Aspera On Demand unlocks the cloud's unlimited computing andstorage resources for big data applications by delivering high-speedtransfers in, out, and across the cloud with scale-out transfercapacity, a variety of client options (web, mobile, embedded), andapplications for ingest, sharing, collaboration, and exchange of bigdata, all available as on-demand subscription services. Tiered,usage-based pricing provides the flexibility to easily scale capacityup or down, paying only for what you use and avoiding costly ITinfrastructure deployments to accommodate spikes in demand. Aspera OnDemand leverages Aspera's patented FASP transport technology, todeliver reliable, ultra-fast transfers, enterprise-grade security, andprecise control over transfer speed and priority. Aspera enablesusers to achieve line speed transfer rates, resume of partialtransfers, and encryption in transit over the wire and at rest.

    IBM Aspera on Demand Monthly is also available at 2 PB and 3 PB,while Aspera on Demand Annual is available at 24 PB and 36 PB. Thesenew throughput levels give you even greater flexibility and choice inpurchasing and utilization.

    IBM Aspera Cargo

    IBM Aspera Cargo extends faspex person-to-person file deliveryworkflows with automatic downloading and consolidation of faspexpackages received from multiple faspex instances. Flexible optionslet users define how incoming packages are sorted, decrypted, andorganized on their desktops

    IBM Aspera Cargo Client V1.5

    IBM Aspera Cargo Client extends person-to-person file deliveryworkflows with automatic downloads of IBM Aspera faspex packages usinga familiar content feed-style interface. Users automatically receivepackages from multiple faspex servers, with all downloads consolidatedwithin a single client, enabling continuous workflows and eliminatingdata transfer delays.

    • Automates receipt of digital deliveries, especially when contentis sent in from multiple entities. This saves time and hassle, andreduces the risk of losing files due to human errors that occur in amanual download process.
    • Enables fast, efficient collaboration between teams that arespread around the globe by enabling them to easily exchange largefiles or entire project directories using a familiar email-styleworkflow.
    • Automatically downloads packages sent to a user from multiplefaspex servers, consolidating all incoming content and organizing thecontent based on user preferences.
    • Features a familiar Atom feed paradigm for automaticallydownloading faspex packages with easy GUI controls for automaticdecryption of downloaded packages.
    • Provides real-time transfer rate monitoring and control for eachdownload, allowing users to adjust transfer rates and pause, cancel,and resume transfers.

    IBM Aspera for Avid Interplay Plug In and IBM Aspera for AvidTransfer Manager Plug In

    IBM Aspera for Avid Interplay Plug In and IBM Aspera for AvidTransfer Manager Plug In enables integrated, high-speed transport ofhigh resolution media between Avid Interplay Production workgroups,enabling near real time collaboration. Users can share highresolution media and associated metadata between remote workgroupsacross a wide area network (WAN) by transferring video and metadata atline speed, regardless of distance, fully utilizing the availablebandwidth. The solution is optimized for maximum speed retrieval andstorage of media clips on Avid ISIS storage, with line speed WANtransfer at any distance, using the fast, adaptive, and secureprotocol (FASP) transport platform. It also supports the completecheck-out and check-in process required for coordinated transfers andcollaboration.

    • With these offerings, Avid Interplay Delivery and Avid TransferManager are able to initiate Aspera high-speed transfers from thesource workgroup to the destination without requiring any specialsteps or processing by the user. This enables users to move just thefiles required, in just the way the receiving workgroup needs them.Users can select entire sequences or portions of sequences; select thedesired delivery resolution and other settings in a stored profile;choose sequences, sub-clips, or even shot lists created in Avid Accessand send them from the desktop.
    • Avid Interplay Delivery and Avid Transfer Manager simplify andenable efficient interplay WAN proxy-editing workflows with a one-command transfer of all related media segments. Regardless ofdistance, type, or quality of the network connection, Aspera fullyutilizes the available bandwidth and ensures the content is sent atmaximum speed.
    • File transfers occur with maximum bandwidth efficiency and arestable, robust, and predictable, even for the largest files and datasets, over the longest distances and networks with the worstconditions. Aspera Avid Plug In follows and adheres to the Avidstandards for file transfers. It just plain works.
    • Aspera Avid Plug In works seamlessly within the existing Avidecosystem. The plug in supports the existing hardware and existingstorage. The user interface remains unchanged. By supporting theexisting ecosystem, Avid Interplay Production workgroups are able toutilize high-speed transport of high resolution media and associatedmetadata made possible by Aspera technology.

    IBM Aspera Transfer Cluster Manager with Autoscale

    IBM Aspera Transfer Cluster Manager with Autoscale includes elasticautomatic scaling of transfer hosts and client load balancing,cluster-wide reporting and transfer management, and a multitenantsecure access key system. The offering allows for dynamic, real-timescale out of transfer capacity with automatic start and stop oftransfer server instances, automatic balancing of client requestsacross available instances, and configurable service levels to managemaximum transfer load per instance, available idle instances forburst, and automatic decommissioning of unused instances.

    With the explosive growth of file-based digitization of data acrossvirtually all industries, fast and reliable movement of massiveamounts of digital data over global distances is becoming more andmore vital to business success. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),which has traditionally been the engine of reliable data movement overlocal area networks (LANs), and has inherent bottlenecks inperformance, especially for wide area networks (WANs), with highround-trip time and packet loss. Underperformance becomes mostpronounced on high-bandwidth networks, where available bandwidth iswasted in idle transmission or redundant data transmission.

    The severe performance bottlenecks to high-speed data movement overhigh bandwidth WANs are not caused by the network hardware or digitaldata itself, where the bandwidth indeed has been doubling every 12months to 18 months in the past decades. Instead, the mainbottlenecks are artificial, caused mainly by the underlying protocolsfor data movement, file transfer (FTP and HTTP), network file systems(NFS and CIFS), and synchronization, for which performanceimprovements have not kept pace with bandwidth capacity, especiallyfor high-speed global WANs, which also have packet loss and highlatency. The majority of these data movement protocols were developeddecades ago, so there is an increasing need for a high-performance,scalable transport protocol. IBM Aspera Transfer Cluster Manager withAutoscale is also available as an add-on to IBM Aspera on Demand.

    Aspera faspex is a global person-to-person, high-speed,secure file exchange application for file-based collection,distribution, and collaboration among geographically dispersed teams.It enables users to send and receive digital packages using a standardweb browser with additional options to use a desktop application, amobile app, or an add-on for Microsoft Outlook. Built for enterpriseworkflows of any scale, Aspera faspex is available for on-premises andin the cloud on-demand deployments.

    Aspera faspex V4.1 has a number of key enhancements including:

    • Improved enterprise user management
    • Scheduled package sending
    • Enhanced usability and administrative ease

    The next-generation API uses a pure REST model and enables faspexto be used as a backend platform for distributed relay of packagecontent between a network of Aspera servers.

    IBM Aspera Fast, Adaptive, and Secure Protocol (FASP)

    Aspera FASP technology is designed to overcome this fundamentalbottleneck of conventional file transfer technologies and dramaticallyspeed up transfers over public and private IP networks. The FASPtechnology leverages existing wide area network (WAN) infrastructureand commodity hardware to achieve speeds that are up to hundreds oftimes faster than FTP and HTTP with end-to-end security andexceptional reliability and bandwidth control. In addition, usershave extraordinary control over individual transfer rates andbandwidth sharing, and full visibility into bandwidth utilization.Aspera FASP is designed to help:

    • Boost WAN performance: It enables organizations to take fulladvantage of available bandwidth to dramatically increase the speed ofdata transfers. Aspera FASP is designed to deliver highly bandwidth-efficient transport of data sets over any IP network. The AdaptiveRate Control feature detects the unused bandwidth and immediatelyramps up to fill it and reduces its rate to accommodate increases instandard TCP traffic to equally share the load.
    • Transform business processes: Aspera FASP provides a high levelof predictability and reliability to business processes that depend onthe movement of large files and data sets, and supports on-the-flyconfigurable bandwidth sharing policies so that users can preset andchange individual transfer priorities, rates, and finish times.
    • Secure your data: Using open standards cryptography for userauthentication, data integrity verification, and encryption over thewire and at rest, Aspera FASP assures secure delivery of business-critical digital assets.

    The following are just a few examples of how IBM Aspera solutions,built on FASP, can help transform businesses:

    • Speed up digital supply chains by eliminating the latency of slowtransfers or physical data shipments.
    • Accelerate backup replication for improved disaster recovery toshrink recovery point and recovery time objectives.
    • Enable organizations to reliably, quickly, and securely move andautomate new workloads, with required data.
    • Provide high-performance file distribution, automation, andsynchronization to foster collaborative work for globally distributedteams.

    IBM Aspera transfer servers

    For businesses that cannot afford the delays and risks of shippingphysical media across the world, or the slow, unreliable, and insecureFTP transfers, Aspera transfer servers offer a solution that canguarantee results regardless of transfer distances, file sizes, ornetwork conditions. Combining patented FASP technology andcomprehensive transfer and user management, Aspera transfer serversmove large data sets over the WAN with unrivaled speed (up to hundredsof times faster than FTP or HTTP), flexible bandwidth control, a highdegree of reliability, and security.

    For additional information about Aspera transfer servers, visit

    IBM Aspera transfer clients

    IBM Aspera client applications enable high-speed FASP-powered filetransfers of any size on virtually any device, across global distancesfrom anywhere in the world, and with any Aspera transfer serverrunning on-premises or on a cloud platform. Available on MicrosoftWindows, Apple OS X, Linux, and as plug-ins for web browsers and anadd-in for Microsoft Outlook, Aspera client applications provide anintuitive user interface, transfer monitoring and rate control, alongwith many other options to setup, initiate, and complete reliable,secure file transfers

    For additional information about Aspera transfer clients, visit

    IBM Aspera web applications

    IBM Aspera web applications help organizations collect, distribute,and exchange large files and data sets across global distances,enabling a variety of workflows for:

      For additional information about Aspera web applications, visit

      IBM Aspera management and automation solutions

      Complex business workflows often demand more than simple transfersof files from point A to point B. Files need to be collected frommultiple sources, checked for viruses and data defects, processed byvarious native and third-party applications, and distributed inmultiple formats to several recipients. The entire process must beautomated, provide real-time status and control, and instantly notifythe right person of stoppages or errors.

      Aspera's management and automation applications provide a completeworkflow orchestration and monitoring solution. Designed for extremescalability, they can accommodate virtually any set of workflowrequirements and seamlessly move data between any location, whetheron-premises or in public, private, or hybrid cloud platforms. Highlyvisual graphical interfaces enable easy workflow design and testing,accurate real-time progress assessments, and extensive customizablereporting.

      For additional information about Aspera management and automationsolutions, visit

      IBM Aspera mobile applications

      Smart phones and tablets have dramatically changed the wayenterprises conduct business. Their powerful graphical capabilitiesmake them ideally suited for remotely creating and reviewing richdigital content. Potential scenarios include:

        IBM Aspera Mobile Uploader V1.1 for Android

        Uploads are easier with this release, improving the overall userexperience.

        For additional information about Aspera Mobile Applications, visit

        IBM Aspera Sync

        IBM Aspera Sync is purpose-built by Aspera for high-performance,scalable, multidirectional asynchronous file replication, andsynchronization. Designed to overcome the performance and scalabilityshortcomings of conventional synchronization tools.

        For additional information about Aspera Synchronization solutions,visit

        Aspera Developer Network offers a complete set of APIswith supporting documentation and sample code to help developersintegrate Aspera technology into applications as a replacement fortraditional TCP-based protocols such as FTP or HTTP. The Aspera SDKincludes web service APIs (REST and SOAP) as well as native librariesfor Java, .NET, and C++. The Aspera SDK is available to developers byan annual development subscription to Aspera Developer Network thatincludes all available libraries, APIs, and web services, as well asdevelopment licenses and developer support.

        Aspera Developer Network V3.7 offers new APIs and features,combining new authorization, access control, transfer management, andreporting capabilities. It includes Files API, Node API, FASPManagerAPI, FASPStream API, Connect API, and faspex API.

        For additional information about Aspera Developer Network, visit

        Aspera Shares is a simple, intuitive web applicationthat enables globally dispersed internal and external users to quicklyshare large files and whole directories, of any size, on serverslocated worldwide. With a single web interface, users andadministrators have consolidated and secure access to content storedanywhere across various on-premises and cloud storage systems.

        In this major release, Aspera Shares V2.0 introduces Organizationsand Projects to enable greater scale and control across diverseprojects and user communities in the enterprise. Administrativerights can now be delegated at different levels to help minimizeadministrative overhead while enabling tiered administrators to createand enforce powerful user and share management controls.

        Effective March 20, 2018, Continuous Delivery Lifecycle SupportPolicy is implemented for all Aspera on-premises products and appliesto the most recent version number of the product (such as 3.x or 1.x)or later. You can upgrade to the latest CD update package in order toreceive ongoing security updates and defect fixes.

        Technical support of a program product version or release will beavailable for a minimum of two years from the general availabilitydate, as long as your Software Subscription and Support (also referredto as Software Maintenance) is in effect.

        With this technical support, you can obtain assistance (bytelephone or electronic means) from IBM for product-specific, task-oriented questions regarding the installation and operation of theprogram product. Software Subscription and Support (SoftwareMaintenance) also provides you with access to versions, releases, andupdates (CD releases, Long Term Support Releases, or fixes) of theprogram. If you require additional technical support from IBM,including an extension of support beyond the discontinuance date,contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner. Thisextension will be available for a fee.

        Starting March 20, 2018, Continuous Delivery Lifecycle SupportPolicy is applied to the following IBM Aspera products and their majorversions. Under this policy, each product, at the given versionlevel, has a 2-year support period and an optional support extensionof one more year. This support extension will be available for a feeafter the effective end of support date.

        For additional information on the IBM Software Support LifecyclePolicy, see theIBM Software Support Lifecycle Policywebsite.

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        Operating environment

        Hardware requirements

        The minimum requirement is current commodity hardware:

        • Intel Core i3 2.53 GHz - 2 cores equivalent, or better
        • Intel Core i5 2.26 GHz - 4 cores equivalent, or better
      • Storage: 400 RPM SATA
      • Memory: 4 GB
      • Screen resolution: 1024 x 768, or higher for graphical userinterface

      For all installations, contact your IBM representative forassistance in sizing for your environment

      Software requirements

      IBM Aspera Orchestrator (5725-S59)

      • Operating systems:
        • Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
        • Microsoft Windows 2012 R2
    • Web browser supported:
      • RedHat 6
      • CentOS 6
      • Fedora 15-20
      • Ubuntu 12-14
      • Debian 6 and 7
      • SLES 11
      • Kernel 2.6, or higher
      • libc version GLIB 2.3.4, or higher

      IBM Aspera faspex (5725-S60)

      System requirements:

      • Red Hat 6-7, CentOS 6-7, SLES11
      • Aspera Common Components V1.1.21, or later

      Microsoft Windows

      • Internet Explorer 8-11, Firefox 27-44, Safari 6-9, Chrome 40-48 (faspex users can successfully access faspex fromany of these browsers on any OS, as long as the browser and OS arealso supported by Connect)

      IBM Aspera Virtual Catcher (5725-S59)

      Operating systems:

      • Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
      • Microsoft Windows 2012 R2

    Web browser supported:

    • Perl Version 5.8, or later
    • Apache Version 2.0.x or 2.2.x
  • For database logging, a MySQL database

Common requirements for all platforms for IBM Aspera Connect forWeb Access, IBM Aspera Point-to-Point Client, IBM Aspera FASP Proxy,IBM Aspera Desktop Client, and Aspera Console

GNU C Library (glibc) Version 2.3.4, or later is required fornon-Microsoft Windows environments.

Supported web browsers

  • Red Hat 6 or 7
  • CentOS 6 or 7
  • Fedora 16 through 20
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 or 12
  • Ubuntu 12 through 14
  • Debian 6 or 7

Microsoft Windows(5)

  • Mac OS X 10.7
  • Mac OS X 10.8
  • Mac OS X 10.9

IBM Aspera High-Speed Sync (5725-S55)

Common requirements for all platforms for IBM Aspera EnterpriseServer and IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access

  • Secure Shell (SSH) Server Version 5.2, or later is recommended andis required for non-Microsoft Windows environments. The MicrosoftWindows platforms include an SSH server.
  • GNU C Library (glibc) Version 2.3.4, or later is required fornon-Microsoft Windows environments.
  • For use in an Active Directory environment, access to a domainadministrator account for product installation.
  • For database logging, a MySQL database.
  • For preprocessing and post-processing (prepost), Install ActivePerl.
  • IBM Aspera Enterprise Server, IBM Aspera Connect Server, or IBMAspera Point-to-Point, each V3.5.4, or later with an async-enabledlicense.

Supported browsers

  • Red Hat 6 or 7
  • CentOS 6 or 7
  • Fedora 16 through 20
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 or 12
  • Ubuntu 12 through 14
  • Debian 6 or 7

Microsoft Windows (5)

  • Mac OS X 10.7
  • Mac OS X 10.8
  • Mac OS X 10.9

IBM Aspera File Sharing Suite (5725-S56)

Common requirements for all platforms for IBM Aspera Connect forWeb Access

  • Secure Shell (SSH) Server V5.2, or later is recommended and isrequired for non-Microsoft Windows environments. Microsoft Windowsplatforms include an SSH server.
  • GNU C Library (glibc) V2.3.4, or later is required fornon-Microsoft Windows environments.
  • Web user interface
    • IBM Aspera Shares 1.9, or later
    • IBM Aspera faspex 3.9, or later
    • IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access Server 3.5.4, or later with anIBM Aspera Drive enabled license.

Supported web browsers

  • Red Hat 6 or 7
  • CentOS 6 or 7
  • Fedora 16 through 20
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 or 12
  • Ubuntu 12 through 14
  • Debian 6 or 7

Microsoft Windows(5)

  • Operating systems
    • Mac OS X 10.7
    • Mac OS X 10.8
    • Mac OS X 10.9

    Optional expansion add-ons for IBM Aspera High-Speed FileTransfer, IBM Aspera High-Speed Sync, and IBM Aspera File SharingSuite

    The software requirements for the optional add-ons are the same asfor the products in which they are included.

    Note: (1)Not available for IBM Aspera Shares Application, IBM AsperaConsole Application, and IBM Aspera faspex Application, andIBM Aspera Connect for Web Access.

    Note: (3)Not available for IBM Aspera Proxy Server, IBM Aspera Shares,IBM Aspera Console, IBM Aspera faspex Application, and IBMAspera Add-in for Microsoft Outlook

    Note: (4)Not available for IBM Aspera Drive

    Note: (5)Not available for IBM Aspera FASP Proxy, and IBM AsperaConsole Application.

    Aspera drive manual for mac windows 7

    IBM Aspera Application for Microsoft SharePoint V1.0.1

    • Microsoft SharePoint 2013 on premise deployment
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2
    • Microsoft Windows 2012, Microsoft Windows 2012 R2, or Linux forAspera Enterprise Server 3.4.6
    • Microsoft Domain Controller fully configured and set up
    • Microsoft Active Directory configured and set up
    • Internet Information Services 7.5, or later
    • IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access V3.5.4, or later
    • IBM Aspera Drive V1.2.1, or later (optional)

    IBM Aspera Connect for Web Access V3.5.4

    Linux 64 bit

    • Microsoft Windows 2008 R2
    • Microsoft Windows 2012

    Apple Mac OS X

    • Access to run Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation

    Common for all platforms:

    • SSH Server: V5.2, or later is recommended. (requirement fornon-Microsoft Windows environments). The Microsoft Windows productincludes a SSH Server.
    • libc version GLIB 2.3.4, or later. (requirement for non-MicrosoftWindows environments)
    • Perl V5.8, or later for Web UI
    • Apache V2.0.x or V2.2.x for Web UI
    • For database logging: A MySQL database

    Web browsers supported:

    • Red Hat 6 or 7
    • CentOS 6 or 7

    Web browsers supported

    • Red Hat 6 or 7
    • CentOS 6 or 7
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 or 12
    • Ubuntu 12 through 14
    • Debian 6 or 7

    Microsoft Windows

    • Mac OS X V10.7
    • Mac OS X V10.8
    • Mac OS X V10.9


    • Internet Explorer 8, or later
    • Firefox 27, or later
    • Chrome 32, or later
  • Mac OS X
    • Firefox 27, or later

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Planning information

Customer responsibilities

The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, andimplementation of security features, administrative procedures, andappropriate controls in application systems and communicationfacilities.

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Product information is available from the from the IBM PublicationsCenter at

The Publications Center is a worldwide central repository for IBMproduct publications and marketing material. Extensive searchfacilities are provided. A large number of publications are availableonline in various file formats, and they can all be downloaded by allcountries, free of charge.

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Security, auditability, and control

In addition to the security and auditability features of theoperating systems on which they run, the IBM Aspera file transferproducts include built-in security for data transfers through supportof the OpenSSL toolkit. The products also support data encryption intransit and at rest by using the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard(AES).
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** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or servicemark of others.

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Terms of use

IBM products and services which are announced and availablein your country can be ordered under the applicable standardagreements, terms, conditions, and prices in effect at thetime. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw thisSales Manual at any time without notice. This Sales Manualis provided for your information only. Additional terms ofuse are located at

Terms of use

© IBM Corporation 2019.

Migration Assistant copies all of your files to your new Mac so that you don't have to copy your files manually.

  • If your files are currently on a Windows PC, follow the PC migration steps instead.
  • If your new Mac is using OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 or earlier, follow the Mountain Lion migration steps instead.

Check software, settings, and power

  • Install all available Apple software updates on both Mac computers. Install any updates for your third-party apps as well.
  • Make sure that your old Mac is using OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.8 or later.
  • Make sure that your old Mac has a computer name: Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences, then click Sharing and check the Computer Name field.
  • Connect both computers to AC power.

Connect the computers to each other

  • If both computers are using macOS Sierra or later, just make sure that they're near each other and have Wi-Fi turned on. If either is using OS X El Capitan or earlier, connect them to the same network using Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
  • Or connect them using target disk mode and the appropriate cable or adapter. Then start up your old computer in target disk mode.
  • Or connect your new Mac to a Time Machine backup of your old Mac.

Use Migration Assistant

On your new Mac:

  1. Open Migration Assistant, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. When asked how you want to transfer your information, select the option to transfer from a Mac, Time Machine backup, or startup disk.
  4. Click Continue.

On your old Mac:
If you started your old Mac in target disk mode or are migrating from a Time Machine backup, skip these four steps.

  1. Open Migration Assistant.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. When asked how you want to transfer your information, select the option to transfer to another Mac.
  4. Click Continue.

On your new Mac:

  1. When asked to select a Mac, Time Machine backup, or other startup disk, click the appropriate icon.
  2. Click Continue. You might see a security code.

On your old Mac:
If you started your old Mac in target disk mode or are migrating from a Time Machine backup, skip these two steps.

  1. If you see a security code, make sure that it's the same code as on your new Mac.
  2. Click Continue.

On your new Mac:

  1. You should see a list of backups organized by date and time. Choose the backup that you want to use.
  2. Click Continue.

Continuing on your new Mac:

  1. Select the information to transfer.
  2. Click Continue to start the transfer. If you have a lot of content, the transfer might take several hours to finish.

In the example above, John Appleseed is a macOS user account. If you transfer an account that has the same name as an account on your new Mac, you're asked to rename the old account or replace the one on your new Mac. If you rename, the old account appears as a separate user on your new Mac, with a separate home folder and login. If you replace, the old account overwrites the account on your new Mac, including everything in its home folder.

After Migration Assistant is done, log in to the migrated account on your new Mac to see its files. If you're not keeping your old Mac, learn what to do before selling it or giving it away.